Your partners
in the world of the Azalea..

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Mid-late flowering cultivars

Cultivars flowering from January till February.
Available from 10/15 cm to 30 cm.
Some cultivars in other shapes.

EXAMPLES: Tamira, Ostalett, Scherrer, Sashsebstern, Mad, Kint blanc, Fabiola, Panfilia, Aline, Thesla, Sister Jo, Antarchica...

Raval Bvba, Ledeakkerstraat 3, 9080 Beervelde, Belgium, Location, Phone.: 0032-9-355 7557 , Mobile: 0495/51 84 60 , Fax: 0032-9-355 26 97,, BTW BE0433 987 205,